Lyric, Hammersmith

This major website review of Lyric Online was informed by research into audience perceptions of the Lyric, how it fits into their lives and how they engage with the internet functionally and socially. We also explored how Lyric might develop functional/experiential pathways to engage audiences more meaningfully with its online offer.

Live user experience testing informed how best to shape the aesthetics and structure of the new site. It also provided valuable (and unexpected) qualitative insights into stakeholder opinions regarding Lyric as a producing theatre and an integral part of the local community.

In 2010, the Lyric launched a new website. Lisa was a vital part of this process and the qualitative insights she provided us with were the building blocks needed to create a site that we knew would best communicate with the Lyric's many different consumers. The findings were invaluable in providing us with the tools to create a truly intuitive brief which subsequently resulted in a site that we are immensely proud of.

Joanna Down, Director of Communications and Visitor Services, Lyric Hammersmith